I wish I could say the reason why I haven't posted in a week is because I have been so busy doing fun stuff. Sadly it is the complete opposite. It has rained here all week long. The rain is getting tiring but at least it is not accompanied with gray, depressing skies like I am used to in Memphis. However, it still has kept me pent up in our apartment. As much as I want to play tourist, the idea of umbrella to umbrella combat is not very enticing.
Last Saturday Blake and I took the dogs to Central Park and it was such a beautiful day we decided to go to the Bronx Zoo. We got on the subway ready for a fun day at the zoo and I noticed people getting on the subway were wet and had umbrellas. Sure enough when the subway went above ground we saw the beautiful day from 10 minutes ago had turned into a cold rainy day! I know all of you guys in the heatwave they call the south are jealous! We were both wearing shorts and had no umbrella. The subway ride was adventurous enough (you go through Harlem) so we decided to go back home and try it again when it wasn't raining. Of course we didn't realize at that time we were in monsoon season in New York.
While we were at the park we learned something new about Wrigley, apparently Wrig has a serious fear of bagpipes! A guy in the park was about to start playing his bagpipes (in a full on kilt) so we stopped to listen. About 5 seconds after he started Wrig turned around and ran about 200 yards with his tail in between his legs plowing through people with Blake running behind him! The whole time he kept looking back to make sure the evil bagpipes were not chasing him! People all around were laughing hysterically at a 70lb dog running from bagpipes. When he finally stopped we had to pet him for 5 minutes before he would dislodge his tail from in between his legs! You don't know how bad I wish I had a video of that!!!
For those of you who think a guy playing bagpipes in a kilt sounds odd, let me tell you that really is not here. Matter of fact he was probably one of the more conservative "entertainers" you will find here. I'm not sure who all I should include in the "street entertainers" category because there are the occasional people who really just want to warn you of the dangers surrounding you! For instance, there was the guy in the subway yelling "Obama can't save you! Obama can't save you!" He never did inform us of what Obama can't save us from but at least I know not to call Obama when it happens! Another nice person warned us on the subway that meat is murder and we were all going to die. That was not all that informative since I already knew we were all going to die. If she could have pinpointed a date now that would have been informative! And of course there are the entertainers with all different kinds of instruments. I have to say playing while on a moving subway is impressive. So both types of entertainers are enjoyable in their own fun way.
We were able to squeeze in one day of fun without any rain! On Friday night Blake and I went to the USS Intrepid, which is a U.S. Naval Aircraft Carrier, to watch Top Gun. The Intrepid was decommissioned in 1982 and parked in the Hudson River and now serves as a museum. During the summer months they host a movie on the top of the carrier! It was real neat to watch a movie like Top Gun while sitting on a carrier. If you pretend the planes flying into Newark are jets you really feel like you are a part of the action!! Thankfully Tom Cruise wasn't there jumping on couches! I'm glad the rain held off for the night because it was beautiful to watch the sunset from there. It was just as beautiful when it got dark and all the buildings were lit up.
Hopefully the weather will clear up allowing me to explore the city more and in turn give me something to write about it. If not I am just going to have to put on scuba gear and go check out the sites. Sadly, I would probably fit right in with the “street entertainers”!