By now you have probably figured out a couple things about me. I procrastinate (my parents already knew this- bad high school flashbacks) and I like to take pictures (anyone who has vacationed with me already knew this- now your flashbacks)! I have finally got the last album added. For those of you that actually looked for it (first off- thanks!), it wasn't all procrastination! I had over 150 pictures and even though I like to look at them doesn't mean everyone else does. I learned that from the first album with 100 pictures of my dogs! I try to widdle them down to a decent number. If you have seen the album already you are probably thinking "that is a decent number?". If you haven't seen the album yet, well... you were just warned! If I had to keep widdling down the picts I would be here all week so I gave up and just posted what was left. Also, I figure if you are going to suffer through all my pictures I could at least make captions for them. If you enjoy looking at the pictures that is great and I appreciate it! If you actually have a life or if you are just not into suffering, I understand! If you haven't noticed yet, at the bottom of the screen there are controls to move the slide show along faster (thereby making the pain and suffering go a little faster) or slower (if you are a masochist) and you can pause it (when you are looking and the commercials just ended). You can also hit the arrows on each side of the row of picts at the bottom to just skim through all the picts, you may need a magnifying glass though!
Well, I wont make you read any more on this post because if a picture is worth a thousand words, you guys have a million more to go! Enjoy the picts and thanks again for taking the time to read/see all of our adventures! I have really enjoyed and appreciated all the positive comments and feedback. :)
The guest bedrooms
13 years ago